The Excitement Builds…

So, when we visited SEXPO (with our official media passes), we met lots of new friends…

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A couple of our new friends, Kim Cums and Lucie Bee, will be our guests on Wednesday’s show:


And then, lucky us, they’ll be staying in Melbourne to come to our party ‘An Evening with O‘ (you had your chance to win tickets, you know!) We’re rather excited about their visit AND the party.

It seems that Kim is a bit excited, too…



We’re Having a Party!

TeamTaboo has decided that we NEED a party! We have a HUGE space and loads (and loads) of equipment…so what else would you do, except have a party! Hmmm…now what would be a good reason to have a party?

A-ha! Friday 27th November is the 40th anniversary of the German (if you love porn, it has to be German!) release of The Story of O – there couldn’t be a better reason!

There will be cocktails, food (including popcorn, I hope!), The Story of O, followed by play-time…Yay! It’ll be a private party – invitation only!

Do you want to come? We’re giving away 15 double invitations to An Evening with O.

Before you get too excited (I am!), the party is in Melbourne, Australia so you need to be here…ok?

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Good luck! I hope I get to meet some of you… xxx

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